What led you to apply for the First Year Recruitment Internship?
"I was looking for an internship this summer, but I also wanted to form a deeper connection to Hillel at UVA following my first year. I wanted to do something that would contribute to the success of the organization" What are you working on this summer? "I'm working on identifying and reaching out to as many incoming first-year students as I can, so we can start building community for them. I'm also creating a mentorship program that will help first year students connect with Hillel at UVA when they come to grounds. I've enjoyed creating the Facebook page for the WaJew Class of 2024, and getting to see the names of all of the incoming students as they join." Does this internship connect to your academic/professional goals? "My goal is to study business at UVA, and working in a non-profit setting has been beneficial for sure. It's teaching me a lot about communication, time management, and also about incorporating innovation tools and methods into the programs I'm working on." What's it like having an internship during COVID? "It's been nice to have a distraction from COVID and have a sense of normalcy in my routine. Sometimes it's difficult and I've definitely gotten distracted from work, but I'm slowly learning how to be efficient from home." You've been attending Cohort Learning Sessions with staff, what's something you've learned from one of those sessions that resonates with you? "During our discussion about self-care, I learned about looking at every aspect of my life and evaluating how I practice self care in the different domains. There are so many! Since that session, I've been seeking out more experiences that make me laugh during this weird time, and I've also started leaving my phone behind when I have dinner with my family. It was tough at first but it felt good!" What's something you've learned or something that has motivated you during this internship? "I'm excited to see this mentorship program come into play. I'm hoping it'll create an easier transition for first years and also keep upperclassmen more connected to Jewish life." _______ Lilly is a rising second year student working on first year recruitment planning and strategy that will help prepare the BJC for the upcoming year. In addition to welcoming and engaging with the Class of 2024 WaJews, Lilly's using theories of change and design thinking to create an orientation series and mentorship program for first year students! Comments are closed.
The Brody Jewish Center, Hillel at the University of Virginia, is the focal point in a renaissance of Jewish life for the 1,000 Jewish students on Grounds. Archives
September 2021